
False Hope

Tonight, she is in my dreams. Yet I do not recognize her face. Her eyes stare through mine—as if I were imaginary. Her soft voice echoes, but I cannot remember what she says. Around me are the shadows of a false hope.

If only for a moment, she could look at me. If her eyes met mine if her heart wept like mine. For we have no time. Every moment I dream of her, another passes without her by my side.

My soul is in this world, but my body is in another. My spirit is with her; maybe I will join her one day. My heart races at the thought; finally, my illusions become apparent, and my heart feels empty. The joy I had felt vanishes, and I forget all about her. The world I had just fallen in love with disappeared. The woman who was so real now feels so distant and unimaginable.

Why am I so wicked? To dream of someone so perfect, to ruin my bliss by waking? One day, I will stay there. Possibly, one day, she will be the only one—I need to fill my abyss.

Ultimately, no matter the holly of spirit, one must wake up to the gloom of reality. To see the world as it is without the ones you love. The hope of waking up with them by your side, only to remember the inconsistency of one’s imagination.

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